Throughout the school year, we are constantly working on comprehension and phonics. During the summer, I wanted to push my students to enjoy reading and begin looking at books as something valuable.
Instead of focusing on our daily 20 minutes, I've challenged my students to think about reading 20 books for a goal. These books are obviously chosen based on the appropriate reading level, but I've been shocked by the drive to accomplish this goal!
We spent the day looking online at our library catalog for curbside pick up. We decided on 5 books to get us started. Then, we discussed a goal for reading 20 books. One of my students is dying to have a sleepover in the living room with just his dad. The goal was set and the reading begins! He has loved putting a sticker for each time a book is read and is trying to read a book a day!
Summer is made for playing outside and having a great time, but it can also be a quiet rest to fall in love with some books. I hope you enjoy grabbing your reading log and reading with us! Leave a comment below with some of your students' goals!